Unlike many services, painters can’t provide their services from a distance. For most painters, nearly all of their customers are within an hour radius of their home or office. Because of this, marketing and sales are all local efforts – the more people who know your name locally, the more business you’re likely to get.

Man sitting on sofa with laptop and a cup of coffee
From that perspective, it might seem like a website isn’t ideal. Websites can be accessed from anywhere, and there are hundreds of thousands of painters competing for attention online, unlike local advertisements. Despite this, a website is the most important marketing investment a painter can make to attract new business. Here are three reasons why this is true.
- All other marketing efforts benefit from a website. Whether you rely on word of mouth referrals, advertising on the side of your paint truck, or even business cards in a local paint shop, all of these should be displaying your website address. This is where customers will go to confirm that you are a professional painter with great references, and take a look at pictures from other work you have done to make themselves comfortable with your ability to meet their needs.
- Customers are more likely to do research online than they are to actually purchase goods and services. Research shows that over half of the US population researches goods and services online before they purchase them. In fact, customers are more likely research goods and services online than they are to actually purchase items! When it comes to gathering basic information about whether a service provider can help a customer, the internet has replaced the phone. Many customers only call businesses once they’ve confirmed the business is a good fit for the job at hand.
- Local searches are the most likely to lead to a sale. Many people feel like the internet is where people go to purchase goods from large companies like Amazon or Netflix. However, people are actually more likely to purchase items after searching for local information than they are searching for non-local information! Eighteen percent of all local searches end in a purchase – and you need to make sure that your company is included in that number!
To learn more about how a website can bring new business to your paint company, call ProPainter Websites at 866-665-1605 or email Team_PPW@ProPainterWebsites.com