

business and marketing advice for painting


Google Business Profile – Incredibly Important for Painters

Establishing a strong online presence is crucial for attracting the right type of customers and growing your painting contractor business. While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution to...

4 Mistakes Painting Contractors Make with Their Website

For painting contractors who don’t have a physical location your website is your storefront. It is most likely the biggest interaction a potential customer will have with your business before they...

Benefits of Instagram for Painting Contractors

If your painting business is not currently using Instagram, why not give it a try? Over the past two years, Instagram has continued to make multiple updates to make it easier for users to discover...

Should I Respond to Google Reviews?

The short answer is yes, but there’s more to it than just posting a quick response. Responding to customer reviews is an important part of running any business, but it can be especially important...

5 Ways Painting Contractors Can Stay Busy in the Winter

Winter’s frosty grip can be a formidable adversary for painters residing in colder climates. The plummeting temperatures force outdoor projects to a standstill, leaving painters with a...

3 Biggest SEO Mistakes For Painting Contractors

As a painting contractor, you want your website to do two major jobs for you – get you found online and get potential customers to give you a call or fill out a form. Your website should be one of your major sources of lead generation. In...

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Five Ways Customers Find Painting Contractors

“The best way to earn a customer’s business is to think like one.” That’s a lot harder than it sounds.  For instance, you know how to tell if a paint job is a good one – but do you know what customers look for?  They might not even be...

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Marketing a New Service

Some painting contractors have enough business in their area to stick exclusively to painting. Others  find that additional services help to fill up their calendar, especially during the winter months. Click here to learn how to maximize...

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Building a Strong Business Identity

Customer loyalty can be difficult to achieve for painting contractors. To prevent a race to the bottom on prices, work hard to stand out from your competitors in a way that matters to your customers.  Click here to learn how. 

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Serving Three Types of Painting Customers

Your customers all may call and ask for you to paint their house. But each of them has a different goal. Click here to see three different types of customers and how to meet their specific needs.  

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Does Offering Financing Increase Close Rates?

The economy is in much better shape than it was in April – but it’s still rockier than it was before the pandemic.  Many people are earning less than they were in 2019 (especially those in retail) and some employees don’t have a job to...

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