Social media can be a major part of a painting contractor’s online presence.  While a website conveys professionalism and reliability, a well-managed social media account conveys personality and a desire to help solve problems.  Here are three tips to make sure you’re getting the best results from social media.

Pick one platform and use it well

While it’s tempting to “maximize your presence” by picking several types of social media, it’s not going to be very effective.  That’s because social media rewards consistent, high-quality activity – if you spread your time across too many platforms you won’t be able to really deliver on any of them.

Instead, pick one – Facebook is the most popular, but Instagram and even Pinterest present some unique opportunities for painters as well.  Make sure that you’re posting content on the platform at least a couple of times a week, and make sure the content is valuable for people you’d like to become customers of your business.

Engage with customers

If you send out postcards, you judge the success by the number of people who call in and are genuine prospects for your business.  After all, if you don’t talk to anyone as a result of the postcard, what value did you really get from the mailing?

The same can be said of social media.  If you constantly post content but it never leads to customer conversations, you won’t get much value from it.  The easiest way to have a conversation sparked by social media is to do it right inside of the social media platform.  If people comment on your content, make sure you respond to their comments.  Conversations lead to sales!

Provide value

Have you ever run into a person at a networking event that just walks right up to you and starts selling their product?  You know they’re there to gain more business, but it seems callous if they don’t even try to learn about you before they’re trying to cut a deal for a product they don’t even know if you have any use for.

There are plenty of these companies on social media – and they are almost all ignored.  It’s even worse to do this on social media than it is in a networking event, because most people aren’t on social media to complete transactions.  They’re there to have fun and learn interesting information.

That’s why at least 80% of everything you post on social should not ask for business.  Show customer how paint can make a room pop.  Give them decorating ideas.  Show them a great-looking house you just finished painting, or advertise a non-profit community event you’re sponsoring.  If you can help them with creative renovation ideas or provide interesting information about what’s happening in the community, and show them some genuine personality along the way, they’ll remember your name when they do need painting done.

To learn more about how ProPainter Websites can help you gain more business, call us at 855-385-1134 or email us at